Thursday, November 8, 2007

American Religious Leader Guilty of the Ultimate Hypocrisy

Pat Robertson yesterday announced that he will endorse Rudy Giuliani. What???? You have got to be kidding me. The, as the Republicans and the Religious Wrong refer to them, Pro Abortion and Pro Gay Rights Giuliani is who Pat Robertson feels best represents his Religious Family Values?

OK folks, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck guess what? If there was ever any doubt that the most important thing to Pat Robertson was Power and Money this should forever put that debate to rest.

Pat Robertson told his flock of sheep that the reason America was attacked on 9-11 was because we allowed abortions and because of pornography on the internet.

Pat Robertson told that same flock that the reason Katrina happened and the damage done by Katrina was god punishing us for allowing abortions and homosexuality in America.

And “Whala” Who does Pat Robertson endorse as the presidential candidate for the Republican Party? The most liberal center of the road candidate running for that party Rudy Giuliani! Don’t get me wrong, If I had to chose a republican Giuliani would probably be my choice. But a Pat Robertson endorsement? Scare me!!!!!

Rudy has supported Gay Rights for many years. He lived with a Gay couple after one of his many divorces. What? Divorce? OH MY WORD!!!!!! Pat Robertson is supporting a Divorced candidate? Blasphemy!!!!!!

For all those followers of this Vile man, and I’m not talking about Giuliani, how much more Kool-Aid are you going to consume? The very issues that are at the top of the Religious Rights supposed “Values” are the very things that he is now endorsing. Get it yet? You have been DUPED! Just like you were DUPED by W! You have been used and abused to further his hateful and nasty rhetoric only for him to come forward at last and reveal who he really is and what he really stands for. His only concern is MONEY…. Your money! Now get that check in the mail to the PTL club. He needs to send his contribution to the Giuliani campaign.

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