Saturday, November 3, 2007

Not to sound like a broken record but yet another hate mongering GOP leader bites the dust.

Another not so breaking news story this week Richard Curtis was revealed as a homosexual living the lie.

Curtis is married, has children and had voted against gay rights proposals in the Legislature.

Curtis’ relationship to the man came to light after he reported to police he was a victim of the man's alleged extortion attempt. It seems that Curtis had offered the young man $1000.00 to have unsafe-unprotected sex with him in a hotel room in Spokane WA. Curtis went to a book store dressed as a woman and picked up this young man. After the sex act was complete Curtis, typical male, fell asleep and failed to pay the man for his services. The younger man took Curtis’ bill fold and held it for payment. Curtis reported to the police that he was a victim of extortion by the young man.

It is so amazing to me that the Republican Party still attempts to hold themselves up as some beacon of justice & truth when in fact they are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites. They carry on about being the “moral compass” for American when in fact they only play moral police and they are the biggest offenders.

In the recent weeks we have had everything from evangelist Ted Haggard to government leaders such as Larry Craig, David Vitter, Mark Foley not to forget Tom Delay and his antics.

Gay Ole Party in deed!

Curtis of course has resigned his position as State Representative.

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