Thursday, September 6, 2007

Misdemeanor VS Mister Weiner???

Well today we find out that Larry Craig has left a trail of deception. He made a call to who he thought was his lawyer and left a message about misleading the public on his resignation from the senate. He referred to Alien Specter’s willingness to support him and commented that he was changing his resignation speech to reflect “intent” to resign. He had called a wrong number and it has been release to the media.

I guess that means that his guilty plea was all misunderstood.

My suspicion is that when the police said they would reduce his charge to a misdemeanor the thought they said Mister Weiner and responded… I’ll take that!

Actually I still don’t think he should resign. I think he needs to hold the feet of the republicans to the fire and if they want him to resign so should all other sexual suspect such as Vitter and others. Just because he’s gay isn’t a reason to resign…. Maybe he can start changing his votes to reflect his now revealed life style????

Tony Perkins of course is having kittens over the announcement that he’s sticking around and going to fight. I am sure Perkins’s really upset that he will be expected to strong arm all sex offenders and not just those accused of being gay. Wonder when Perkins is going to uphold the same distaste for adultery and divorce as he does for homosexuality? Don’t look for that to happen soon…. Those issues will take money out of his pocket instead of firing up the base and getting the hate cash flowing in.

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