Friday, September 14, 2007

Final Curtain Call! And now for the Grand Finale - IRAQ

President Bush has decided as he loves to do…. (he’s the decider per his own appointment) that we will have 160,000 troops in Iraq for the next 10 year. We will withdraw a few to get us back to pre surge levels by next summer and then his sorry ass will be out of the white house. Can’t happen fast enough for me…. I prefer he resign and leave yesterday. (Before the speech)

Democrats better draw the line in the sand right here. No funding for anything but the beginning of troop withdrawals. Fund any equipment necessary to protect them while they are there but all other funding is earmarked to removal of our troops beginning next week.

More of the same is not an acceptable plan. There should be absolutely no long term commitment to our continued occupation of Iraq. We have crated a situation of cleansing between the sects resulting in over 1,000,000 people’s deaths. We are creating our very own holocaust of which America will be held responsible for and judged by for decades to come. The best we can hope for is getting our people out of there as quickly as possible and using diplomacy to negotiate a universal involvement of allies along with US forces to try and maintain the security of their borders while they fight it out amongst themselves and resolve their government’s reconciliation issues. We can not define their government; we never went there to provide anything but havoc. The entire democracy debacle was all smoke and mirrors by this administration when all other justifications for his worthless war were revealed to be falsifications.

We have finally reached the point of true absolute resolve that his shell and pea game is over. No more moving the pea around the table trying to spin his justification for us being there or that a plan exists that has never existed. This war was wrong from day one and is still wrong today. There is no winning any battle that is built upon corruption and deception. The American people have paid a horrific price for the lies of one man and his corrupt band of villains that were sold to us as representatives of our best interest. In fact the only interest they held was their own and their corporate criminal buddies known as the Neo-Cons.

Come on Democrats, stand firm, stand resolved, don’t give one bit! Time to bring this boondoggle disaster to an end. No more lies allowed, no more deception, no more false intelligence, no more appointing mouthpieces (General Petraeus) because Bush has lost all respect and authority. It is time to hold him accountable for his atrocities against our nation. Further atrocities and allowing further misguided behavior by our military, our courts, and our government will be a reflection on those in power today. We as Democrats certainly do not want to wear the blood on our hands that the republicans are wearing on theirs.

1 comment:

American Rhetoric Review said...

Check out what Admiral William Fallon, chief of the Central Command (CENTCOM), superior officer of David Petraeus has to say about Petraeus....or is that Betray us?

Admiral Fallon on David Petraeus