Monday, April 23, 2007

How Many More American’s must Die for No Justifiable Reason?

I am appalled that the general public in the USA isn’t in the streets everywhere everyday calling for the impeachment of this ridiculous president and his administration. What in the hell is wrong that we have been able to accept the inept leadership? How can we possibly justify letting this moron kill our young people for no justified cause? Why in the world would anyone sign up to go to the military when they see what is going on with this administration and their mindless blunders one on top on another?

Have we lost or edge? I America become complacent to bad leaders? Has the last six years been a Kool-Aid drinking festival to the level that the majority of Americans can’t bring themselves to stand up for what is right? Have we decided to allow this nit wit and his cast of barbarians to destroy our nation, not to mention our young? Is it any wonder that we have such acts as the massacre at Virginia Tech when we have basically told our young that their lives are of no more value than to allow them to be recruited to fight in a unjustified war based on lies. Why would they think their lives had any value at all? If they are looking to the generation before them to make the right decisions and to lead them into the future we have failed horribly.

I for one call for the total and complete impeachment of the Bush administration from top to bottom. There has not been one good thing come from this administration…. Well that is of course unless you are one of the mega millionaires that have benefited from his tax cuts for the rich.

I would be interested in what anyone of you feel was something of value that came from this Whitehouse? Please provide your list here….. I’ll be waiting with bated breath.


Anonymous said...

Today, April 24, 2007 has been the single most deadly day in Iraq. That's some surge the Bushwacker has going on there don't you think????

When are we going to hold this man accountable for his crimes against humanity and against the American People?

Unknown said...

The only good thing this adminsitration has done for me is to remind me just how fragile our freedom is and our inalienable rights are. We need to fight for the rights and freedoms that this administration has taken from us under the guise of "the war on terror." Americans have gotten lazy and have let their political leaders and affiliates do the thinking for them. We should all know by now that the only thing motivating our government officials is their own agenda not what is best for their constituents. Americans need to take a stand and make their voices heard. Remember what it is like to think critically and clearly. Don't be lazy and trust your well being to anyone else! That is why we are where we are today.

Quiddity said...

Hey Am - just posting over here to say hi. I'll add you to my list over on my blog -

- Q

American Rhetoric Review said...

The biggest Fear Americans have is Our Own Terrorist

Americans have had it so good for so long they are incapable of seeing the real terrorists. Bush and Cheney are the ones we should fear above all others. Terrorists have always been around and will always be around. Allowing these terrorists in the white house to institute things like the Patriot Act and Kangaroo courts are the real danger to Americans. Fear is a powerful tool used by the worst amongst us against us.