Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Alberto Gonzales and the continued “Gonzo Gate”

How long is his continued lying before Congress going to be allowed?????

Not by Bush we know he’s not going to do anything about it… Same as he did nothing about those involved in the Valarie Plame Treasonous activities of his administration after he assured the US people that he would “fire” anyone involved.

My question is directed at congress. How long are they going to tolerate his lying? And if you claim its not lying then the only other choice is total incompetence.

Gonzales has been caught in yet another example of his “lying/incompetence” when he testified before congress that there has been “NO violations of Civil Liberties” as a result of the Patriot Act.

Fact is there was a report delivered to Gonzales 5 days before he made that statement before congress stating that there had been 5 such violations in a very short period of time. These violations were search and seizures of personal property as well as illegal wire taping / monitoring of telephone/internet connections/communications.

There is such a thing in the law as “willful Blindness” at the very least Gonzales is guilty of this and should be dismissed and tried for his crimes. Of course that would lead to the trial of the upper level of this administration for all of their crimes against the American people and violation of their oath to uphold the constitution.

This administration is a NATIONAL DISGRACE!!!!! Bush and his cast of criminals have totally ruined the institution of the Justice department!

Let there be no mistake…. The only effect of these criminal acts will have to come from the United States Congress…. It sure as hell isn’t going to come from the “Decider”

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