Thursday, July 12, 2007

8 nonsensical benchmarks met in Iraq, All the ones that really matter are failures.... So what else is new???

I started to watch the great decider do his presentation on the Iraq benchmarks today but I just couldn't take it..... I am so tired of the spin and the fear mongering and the lies that I just can't even watch that idiot any longer. I turned it off! I feel like we are on a marry-go-round and every rotation is just like the last one, nothing changes just more of the same, round and round we go where we stop only congress will know.

What is with this guy???? I just don't get it. How can anyone be so lug headed that he can't see that nothing and I do mean nothing is to be gained by our continued multi billion dollar per day war? It isn't doing any good and in fact is causing us to be less safe than we were before 9-11. Iraq is now over run by Al Qaeda operatives some of whom were Iraq citizens. They have taken up arms against us the great liberators..... Why is that do you suppose? Could it be that we declared war on a country that had nothing to do with 9-11??? Oh surly they are not going to hold that against us???? Or maybe its because they have no running water and intermentant electrical service???? Why would they hold us responsible for destroying those systems???? Don't they know we did it for their own good??? Maybe it's the bodies found all over Bagdad they are having a problem with??? I think maybe we could send glad bags and allow them to get happy bagging up the dead.... Maybe that's what those of use who have lost loved ones fighting this worthless war stared and justified with lies are expected to do by this administration??? Nope, I guess Bush just can't get a picture of what the problem is in Iraq.... Apparently neither can 25% of the American Public still calling themselves republicans... God help us.... Where is that intelligent design thing we keep hearing them harping about???? I've yet to see anything that looks anything like intelligence coming form this administration when discussing Iraq….. or anything else for that matter.

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