Wednesday, May 30, 2007

How about we expose a "Hitleresque" government being lead by our own little Hitler????

Why is it that GWB and his cast of bandit appointees continue to attack Americans? This article was covered up so desperately this week by the "media" that it took two days for it to finally come to the attention of most of us. With Bush's over 350 million dollars directed at building "detention centers" a new name for concentration camps we can tell from this article what they are intended for. read on!!!

Monday May 28, 08:47 AM
Website links gay rights with terrorists
The Alabama Department of Homeland Security has taken down a website it operated that included gay rights and anti-war organizations in a list of groups that could include terrorists.
The website identified different types of terrorists, and included a list of groups it believed could spawn terrorists. The list also included environmentalists, animal rights advocates and abortion opponents.

The director of the department, Jim Walker, said his agency received a number of calls and e-mails from people who said they felt the site unfairly targeted certain people just because of their beliefs. He said he plans to put the website back on the internet, but will no longer identify specific types of groups.
Howard Bayliss, chairman of the gay and lesbian advocacy group Equality Alabama, said he does not understand why gay rights advocates would be on the list.
"Our group has only had peaceful demonstrations. I'm deeply concerned we've been profiled in this discriminatory matter," Bayliss said.
The site included the groups under a description of what it called "single-issue" terrorists. That group includes people who feel they are trying to create a better world, the website said. It said that in some communities, law enforcement officers consider certain single issue groups to be a threat.
"Single-issue extremists often focus on issues that are important to all of us. However, they have no problem crossing the line between legal protest and ... illegal acts, to include even murder, to succeed in their goals," it read.
Walker said the site had been up since spring 2004, and had gotten a relatively small number of hits until it recently became the subject of blogs, he said.
Birmingham attorney Eric Johnston, president of the Alabama Pro Life Coalition, said he was concerned about any list that described people doing social justice work as terrorists.
"Our group's main mission is educational. The thought that we would somehow be harboring terrorists escapes me," he said.

How about we expose a "Hitleresque" government being lead by our own little Hitler????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it is better for them to have the "list" on a web site so we know who they are targeting. What is even scarier is not knowing.
